Shockers network
A network of Electroshock speakers and Rebound workshop animators
In response to the growing demand from companies and local authorities for training, team awareness and rapid action, MoOt Points has decided, in 2022, to set up a network of trained speakers and facilitators to deliver the Electroshock conference and lead the Rebound workshop : They are the Shockers.

Open source presentation versus network of experienced speakers
From the very first conferences, the question arose of making the content accessible to all (open source), which would enable it to be shared on a massive scale. In the course of our feedback, we realized that the idea of launching a conference "into the wild" was not a good one: to be beneficial, its message had to be mastered both technically (in-depth knowledge of the subjects) and emotionally (empathy and listening). It's for these very reasons that we run our conferences face-to-face, preferably as a duo.
In parallel with the Electrochoc conferences, we have chosen to raise awareness among as many people as possible remotely and on social networks via the Sorry Children associative project, notably with the #theworstexcuse campaign.
However, the idea of disseminating the Electroshock conference and the Rebound workshop to accelerate change within companies and communities was not put aside. By the time the conference and workshop had reached a mature form, tested many times over, this had led us to set up the Shockers network in 2023.
What is a Shocker ?
Shockers are experienced both in terms of knowledge of the issues and public speaking. At the same time, they may be climate fresco organizers, consultants on ecological issues, involved in associations for the defense of the living world, and so on. They follow a training course with MoOt Points, during which they assimilate the content of the Electroshock conference and the Rebound workshop. At the end of this training, they are authorized to carry out the conference and workshop, within the framework of a brand and know-how licensing contract.
Be part of the Shockers team
The Shockers network, which is being rolled out on a human scale, will expand in 2024 and later. For more information and to find out about upcoming training dates, contact us at this address. We're looking for committed, experienced, dynamic people in Europe, but also America, Asia, Australia and Africa.
And if you'd like to help distribute Electroshock and Rebound content to economic and political decision-makers, local authorities, institutions and associations, please contact us at the following link.